viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015

New project with Erasmus+

In the context of the economic crisis in which we are, the unemployment of the youth is unacceptable, but beyond the fact of this situation, we consider that exist a change of paradigms than concern to the whole European citizen.

Opposite to these challenges, we must multiply the spaces of dialog and co-creation of offers.  Probably it would be necessary to check some practices and devices that accompany the youth in his emancipation. It is not about reducing the investment, but also changing the approach and making new and less stigmatized politics and methodologies and based more in citizenship. The project YouthLab tries to gather and to catalogue (with a wide number of partners in Spain, Portugal, France and Slovakia) Good Practices for Juvenile Activation. Besides It is foreseen to organize and to stir forums with participative methodologies of creation offers that gather agents of youth, education, training and employment, taking also into account companies, labor union and young people.

We think that the non-formal education can contribute a lot to the big institutions of the education and the employment. We will create a guide with key aspects of our concept of juvenile activation (generated in the forums: methodologies, formative aspects, proposals, indicators of impact and success) and we will realize news, documents and initiatives from the web of the project. We will accompany the process on formative stays of short duration and on local meetings of multiplication and diffusion. We hope that these proposals serve to enrich this moment in where it is necessary to reinvent the answers to the problems.

  • Asociación NAvarra Nuevo Futuro
  • HeziZerb elkartea
  • Irse Araba
  • Kimmu
  • UPV - Leioa
  • CAI (Portugal)
  • ULITA (Eslovaquia)
  • Action Jeunesse Pessac (Francia)
  • Mugazte Elkartea (Francia)

YouthLab is a project supported by Erasmus+ - European Commission

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