miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Good practices of youth activation

YouthLab is a project that promotes the exchange of practices in the area of youth activation in Europe; practices in non-formal education related to emancipation, citizenship development, employability, etc. Over 18 months methodologies and experiences will be gathered, analysed and the most important methodological elements will be extracted.  Send us your good practices.

 YouthLab is an Erasmus+ Project

YouthLab in Spain

We present the project in Pamplona-Iruña. In other countries collecting practices and the convening of the Forum begins.

 YouthLab is an Erasmus+ Project

Coordination meeting in Huarte-Pamplona

Coordination meeting in Huarte-Pamplona, involving all partners: Ulita, CAI, UPV-EHU, HeziZerb, IrseAraba, Kimmu, Action Jeunesse Pessac, Mugazte elkartea and Asociación Navarra Nuevo Futuro

YouthLab is an Erasmus+ Project