miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

Results YouthLab!

In a few days, you will have our publication in Englisg, Spanish, French, Basque, Portugues, Slovac... 50 pages with ideas, rflections and examples about YouthActivation.
We will organise in a few cities meetings to diffuse this results.
We are very happy! We hope it will be interesting...
You must wait a few days only...

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

Our last Study Visit... in Portugal

CAI organizes the next Study visit of the project YouthLab in Lisbon and Caldas (Portugal).


1 place for France
1 place for Spain
1 place for Slovakia

Date: 09 MAY - 13 MAY 2016
(arrival: 9 may  in the morning; departure: 13 may in the evening)
Program: Visit programs in Lisboa and in Caldas, meeting with locals youth workers.
Contact person in Portugal:
Helder Luiz Santos (CAI)
Skype: helluis